Thursday, October 27, 2016

Saints in the Light, Sinners in the Night

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
I seek Allah’s protection/refuge/shelter from Shaitaan, the Accursed one.

O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do. [Quran 5:8]

O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah , even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or refuse [to give it], then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted. [Quran 4:135]

To my friends and family who have openly supported me,

              Thank you so much for showing such humility and genuine support. I am so proud of you all and I am proud to call you all my friends and family. For those of you who have messaged me privately and shown your support openly as well, even if it meant testifying against their own kin, I commend you for your bravery and for not letting politics get ahead of humanity. I also want to let those of you who have shared your own stories with me in private to know that I stand by you and you have all my support in the event you decide to speak out. May Allah (SWT) bless all your families and provide you all with fulfilling bliss in this world and hereafter. I am speechless with the amount of love and validation that I got from all of you.

                In my last post I told you all about a dark time in my life. I've decided to merge all four cases of molestation into one large article so that I can get done with it and never have to look back at it again. It has cost me enough time and energy in my life and enough pain and sacrifice. It is safe to assume that I have not lived a normal day in my life after the very first incident. Through my first post I was able to see so many people come out of their shell and share their own stories. I never imagined that you guys would be so accepting of someone who couldn't accept herself until very recently.  I have been sent countless Facebook messages, text messages, calls and survivor stories that my husband and I have been overwhelmed with the amount of support and bravery that others are willing to show. Shawn and I are grateful for all the kind words that you all are saying for us. Keep us in your prayers. JazakumAllah khayr.

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
 "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful".

                 With this article I'm making an attempt to walk you through the memories that might shed light on why I did, what I did and how I got through, what I got through. I ask that you take this walk with me through what quickly became the worst and the most tested time of my life one last time. I should add that this is the most difficult post for me, more so than the last. It is not easy to read much less revisit in my mind. I’m giving a disclaimer to my readers before they begin.

                 It all started with the game. It all started with Mole A and Mole B. It all started when I was three to four years old. I remember as cousins we would all play together and have good times together. Since I was the youngest out of all of them, they would usually introduce new games to me.We would find new and interesting ways to spend our time together since computers were new in those days but they were not readily available at home.

                 One of the ‘games’ that two of my cousins shared with me, I thought was a confusing form of entertainment. Later it became a memory that would make me cringe and make me hate the dark forever. Two of my cousins would usually bring me into the room and close the door. I recall them introducing the rules of the game and then we would just play.

 The game directions were as follow:

1. There would usually be three players in the game: the two of them and me.
2. One person would be against the wall - that person was always me.
3. Then one person had to go turn off the light to the room so that the room was drenched in darkness which would always be one of them because I was too short to reach the lights.
4. Lights would stay out for anywhere from 10 to 15 seconds and within those 10 to 15 seconds and they would do whatever they wanted to me against the wall.
5. The whole objective, was that when the light turned on we would turn into “junglees” and pretend like we were animals and run in circles until the next person got off of the line, which would always be one of them and turned off the light again. At that point they would switch positions.
6. Nobody ever told anybody outside of the “group” what was going on because that was the point of the game that you were supposed to pretend like you didn't know what happened when the lights turned on.

              That game became their best kept secret. And when I grew up and realized what that “game” meant I was angry. As angry as I have ever been. I was Furious. I remember crying and asking Allah why? Why me? What did I do to deserve this?

              Then I remember another time when Mole A, the younger one of the two, and I were playing on the roof that was not yet built properly. I remember there had been a bed made out of wood which is quite traditional for those days in Pakistan and still is (chaarpai.) I remember playing games with him and the next thing I remember is us laying on that bed and all I remember is my pajamas were halfway down my frock was flipped upwards and he was taking his pants off. Luckily, his zip got stuck on skin and he screamed and started crying and ran to his mother. I just sat there confused and completely lost. I picked up my pajamas and I cannot remember what happened after that but I think I most likely just went back to playing other games. From what I remember, he had to be taken to the doctor.
              Another memory that I have was with Mole B, the older of the two. It was a memory of us sitting on a sofa in the living room. I remember us being there alone and I remember being touched and felt up in ways which I later cried for years over.  At four or five years old I was unable to understand at the time that this person did not love me and they were not doing this because they cared for me. I started thinking this is how family shows love and its ok because he is my brother. For a while, I believed that that is how family shows affection and I allowed that behavior to continue because the little girl was still confused and the only sense she could make out of what was happening to her body was “my big brother loves me and this is his way of showing his affection." F*** YOU.

              What is really horrid about this situation is that even now, even after all that I have already said, I'm STILL being respectful and not saying more. I am still holding back details.
I would also like to add that I have never disrespected them openly, I have never tried to tarnish their reputation EVER. I have always addressed them as my brothers and tried my best to give them that respect. The part of me that didn't have her own brothers unfortunately had nothing to compare these actions to and due to that I could not tell the difference between a healthy way of showing affection and this disturbing display of abuse of power.

               I would also like to add at this time, I recall him telling me that he learned it from the other cousin and that he taught it to his other female cousin(s.) I don’t remember her name. That is how I know that I might not be the only victim.  I said ‘might’ because I can't be sure about other victims. I can't even be sure if he was just lying so he could get me to do it. That just makes me realize, even at three or four year old maybe I tried to stop him. Maybe I told him that I didn't want to play this game anymore and maybe he just fed me a story just so he could continue.

               I'm speaking out because I had not one but FOUR different individuals who all seem to know that they could hurt me more than once and I wouldn't do anything. They all seemed to know that I was vulnerable like it was written on my face. Like it was written on my F****** body. Like my mother was not a good enough reason for them to leave me alone. Like my DEAD FATHER was not a good enough reason to leave me alone. LIKE THEIR OWN SISTERS AND MOTHERS WERE MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME. AS IF I WAS THEIR PROPERTY.

               I am even angrier at the older one because not only did he take advantage of me he was clearly sensible enough to understand that he had to hide it from the family. He had enough maturity to understand that he couldn't do it to his sister and he couldn't do it the other sisters in the family. YET SOMEHOW, he knew that he could do it to me and for that I can not just simply ‘MOVE ON and be HAPPY’. They seemed to have talked about where and when this ‘game’ would take place because their timing was perfect most of the time. It was always when our parents were busy, other cousins weren't around, or when we were left alone.

               I also remember going back to Pakistan in 2009 for my cousin's wedding and I remember sleeping over at their parents place. I remember that he made an attempt to try to take me out of the room to watch a ‘movie’ in the other room at an ridiculous time when everyone else wanted to go to bed. I immediately picked up on that and luckily, (since I was sixteen and old enough to understand what he was implying) knowing his history with me,  I refused. Then for the rest of that night I prayed to God that while the lights are off nobody touches me because I was ready to hurt someone. That morning they wanted me to stay for breakfast and I requested politely to be taken to my step-dad. And that was the last time that they ever looked at me the wrong way. Unfortunately, for me seeing that even in 2009 (years later) he had not changed made me realize he was a pedophile, a dishonorable man and his intention was always corrupted when it came to me. I was never his little sister and this brotherf***ing molester was not my brother.

               I know for too many of you this is very disturbing and I know that for a lot of my family members this is very painful to read. As it should be. But TRUST ME when I say this, I DO NOT REGRET ANY ONE OF YOU READING THIS. A lot of you are family to my molesters too. My entire body has been shivering since I started writing this article because I've had to live with these memories for 15 years. I felt degraded beyond words can describe. MY CHILDHOOD WAS ROBBED FROM ME and if I could run back in time I would go and mutilate them so that their families would know back then what they had done. I would be the protection that nobody else gave me. I would be the protection that they were afraid of. I would be the protection that they would remember until their last breath. I don't know if you can relate but I hope you guys can understand why it hurts so much to think that they have sisters and it's so painful to think that they knew better than to do this to their sisters. THEY HAD SISTERS. I thought I was one of them. They had me f***ing convinced.
                The sad part of the situation was, it wasn't over yet. While all that was going on, another damning case began. It was when another one of my molesters (MOLE C) was caught in the act. Sadly, that also started as a ‘game.’

                Though I don’t remember if the Mole A/B incidents came before this next incident, but they occurred around the same time. I was four or five still and he was at least 11 or  12, we were caught in a game of ‘hide and seek’ gone terribly wrong. My mother found us in a compromising situation and we both got in trouble. I was taken into the room and slapped and told to stay away from him. That he was nothing to me and I was nothing to him. At that moment,  I wanted to tell my mother what he was doing to me behind the draped laundry and that it wasn't my fault. Unfortunately, I saw how angry she was and I had already been slapped and so as a four to five year old I got so scared and nervous that I just kept my mouth shut and I let her say whatever she wanted.  I was told to stay away from him  and to never walk by his way again.  At the time I didn't realize that what had gotten me in trouble was going to be a misery I would have to repeatedly face either through him or my mind.

                 One of my biggest regrets as an adult and even as a young child is/was why couldn't I just open my mouth and say that he was touching me inappropriately and it wasn't my fault. I understand that as I child I was not aware that this was abuse. Regardless, I still wonder sometimes, so what if she slapped me one more time? At least I could have gotten through to her just in case she didn't realize what she saw. Maybe she would have acted differently maybe something different could have been done about it.

                  Though I do not remember every single detail of how it went down...

                   After that whole hide and seek fiasco, at some point in time the elders in my family saw it fit to hold a council to discuss how to resolve this troubling matter.. I don't remember exactly what was the content of that meeting but the result would somehow link the two of us together more lastingly in the future. A reprehensible union that I would later face many challenges to break free from.

                   Their preconceived notion of this union wasn't as damning until you realized what circumstances this decision was made under.  Even though it wasn't  written in stone technically I was given little but no choice in the matter since I was so young.  I never did get to ask why being caught in a compromising state led to more contact instead of a serious investigation into why he lured me alone there in the first place. However, I am sure that they didn't think it was something serious  or at least that is what I can hope was the case.

                    It is important to note that in 2000 at the age of 7, my mother and I got our visas and came to America. Life here was challenging; a new culture and a new language. *I will get more into my life at my parents home in another blog post

                    Regardless of their thoughts on the incident;  a chain of similar misfortunes was just getting started. In 2001, We went back to Pakistan after hearing the news of my ill Uncle. Though, I can only remember two incidents, (since my mind has blocked out more traumatic memories)  .... I was violated more than once by this individual while also being offered a bag of candies as a form of payment for the heinous acts that sweets couldn't even begin to heal me from. Without getting too graphic, it was night-time and I was once in a car with him and he made me touch him in inappropriate places and I remember him reaching and grabbing me inappropriately as well. Our mothers were out shopping and from what I remember we were in the car alone for sometime. The second memory that I have is of me laying on a bed and I was handed a bag of candies by this individual and told that they were mine if I stayed quiet. From what I remember from that traumatic episode,  I was then inappropriately groped, fondled and violated as an eight year old. Not that none of this was new, the only ‘new’ thing was I was paid in candies this time.  I can’t help but think  and wonder now if he thought since I was younger than him candies was all I needed and I didn't have any izzat (honor/dignity/respect) to protect. I wonder if he thought that touching me was OK because he was told that I wouldn't do anything by the other molesters. I wonder if they were in cahoots? I wondered if he would do the same to his own sister which I was CLEARLY not. Either way, he disrespected my body as a little girl and for that he has lost all respect in my eyes. Unfortunately even though the sexual molestation ended there, the emotional abuse that I would endure was just beginning, but this time it wasn't only his fault.

                   At this point I would like to say that something happened that caused my parents to react really harshly and unfairly. I will not be going into detail about that in this article since I want this to be strictly about my molestations. To sum up what is important, when I finally opened up about my molester my parents refused to believe me and also questioned my character instead of coming to my rescue when they should have known better.

                    My heart was broken and I would cry long nights, sometimes it would get so bad that I would pull my own hair just to stop myself from losing it completely. Sometimes the episode would be so bad that I would have trouble breathing and I would start shaking uncontrollably (i.e panic-attacks).  I didn't see a future worth living for and started dreading making mistakes since the punishment for any mistake was always the threat of marrying me off. In a normal home, these things wouldn't have led me to suicidal behavior. However, I was molested repeatedly, any demeaning comment by my parents and their inability to validate me, shattered my being. I opened up with many hopes and was denied harshly. Research shows that molested children seldom speak up about their molestation, but if they do not get validated when they do open up it can have detrimental effects on their life and well-being. Once I realized that I was just a sacrificial lamb and that I wasn't allowed to stand up for my self-respect, (and infact, I was being told that I had none) my depression started getting worse and I became suicidal. I would walk up to the kitchen at night when everyone was asleep and stare into the abyss of nothingness and try to think of reasons to not pull out the knife and end it all. I was emotionless or maybe I was just in shock of what I was thinking about doing. Slowly but surely the facade of the happy Neelum was slipping away.

                 Without getting into any more details since that is a whole other blog post, my molester stayed in my life much longer than I wanted him to and now every-time I would do something to upset my parents he would be their ultimate form of punishment. What hurts me is that I told them his name but because of their reaction and persistent denial, they never found out the names of the other three victimizers.

                  After coming back from that trip and the loss of my uncle in 2001, my parents decided that it was better if my mother busied herself and went to work. I went back to school. There I started to focus more on my education got better grades, my English improved and so did my accent. The culture shock still remained as I didn't really get a chance to communicate with many of my peers outside of school however my hesitation towards new themes and topics went away. Years passed and one day suddenly we got the news that my mother had cancer. At the time I wasn't aware of what the disease was and what it was capable of because my parents didn't really let me feel the brunt of it. Mom was a survivor ever since I knew her and like the hero that she was she fought off cancer, bringing relief to the entire family. In 2005, it was decided that for the summer vacation we would go back home since all of her family wanted to see her. Her siblings awaited her desperately, and we packed our bags with excitement. I was so excited to see my family again but I didn't realize that as an eleven year old, my life had other plans for me. I didn't realize that this trip would become a struggle to even think of and my mind would block out a lot of it for a long time.

                As a young kid, I was finally very excited to go back home for a happy occasion since the last time we had returned to my homeland it was for a traumatic experience (the death of my uncle.) I couldn't wait to tell my cousins the stories about America and all my experiences. Then when I went back I couldn't wait to tell my classmates and teachers about my experiences in Pakistan. The feeling of a typical 11 year old kid. With three weeks time allotted to us we had to make sure that my mom was able to see all of her siblings and spend a little bit of time at each of their homes and my dad could see his siblings. What they didn't realize was these 3 weeks were about to leave one of the most prominent scars on their daughter's being but they would not find out about any of it.

                My mother would frequent shops and bazaars with her family, excited to do shopping while we were in Pakistan. Meanwhile, we stayed at a relative’s house while my step-dad stayed at his brother’s place. It was custom for everybody to sleep all in the same room for the sake of protection and security, the elders took the beds and cousins slept on the floor. For most of our duration there, I can only recall one week’s worth of painful memories where the molestation continued. Even while I'm typing this my entire body is shivering uncontrollably that's the effect that this time has on me and probably one of the most prominent reasons why it's taken me so long to actually type this. My other cousin was a little older than I was, and she would make our beds and we would sleep together on the floor. Mattresses and blankets would be separate. Her brother (molester D) slept nearby, close enough so that if he wanted to he could grab and touch me. Since I was up due to the jet lag, I was the only kid awake at nights. He started noticing and eventually would grab me inappropriately reaching over periodically, for very long time I was unable to understand then his intentions were anything but pure. I remember his hands running down my face and neck and beyond as far as he could reach. I was a little girl and he was more than twice my age at the time. I was afraid to go up to my parents because I didn't want to ruin their trip and because quite frankly I was very scared of getting in trouble. Also at this point I would like to point out as sad and disgusting as this may sound I was starting to form a little crush on him.  As a little girl who was not shown much physical affection by her parents, the physical attention that I was getting was the only form of love that actually stuck out.

              Now when I think about it I cringe and yes I have cried countless hours over this and it is still very hard for me to talk about it. For a very long time I did not bring up what happened to me because I was developing unnatural feelings for this man and I was convinced that he was in love with me. I didn't realize all he was doing was hurting me. I WAS UNDERAGE and he should be ashamed of himself. Out of my innocence, I would follow him around because I thought it was cute. I didn't realize that nothing was cute about it. In fact I recall very briefly when we came back to America after the trip I would cry because I would miss him and I would want that attention again. Those were not the only times that I was inappropriately felt up by this individual. One time I remember being felt up while there was no electricity at home and everybody else was playing out on the roof.

                     In 2008 I finally realized what the technical definition of a pedophile was. After it was confirmed that 3 out of 4 of my molesters where pedophilic child molesters, I went into shock. I thought about hurting myself, I thought about killing myself, I became suicidal. I called this man my brother I held him like a brother and let him hold me and he took advantage of it. And unfortunately because of the treatment that I was getting at home (unrelated) I fell for it. However I would like to point out at this time that no matter how bad I was being treated at home this man did not have an excuse to take advantage of my body. His actions spoke for himself and he forever lost any respect I had for him. He was the one I hated the most. I cannot get over the fact that he was an adult- A CONSENTING ADULT and I was 12. TWELVE.

                     There was an incident briefly in 2009 when I went to Pakistan for my cousin's wedding where we were all getting ready to go to the event. We all got on a rented bus so we could go as a whole family to attend my cousin’s wedding ceremony. When I got on the bus and made my way through the cabin the lights were dim and I was walking carefully because I had heels on. At this point I noticed once I started getting closer to my seat my molester put his hands out and block my way as if to try to stop me or to initiate physical contact. I shoved his arm away and passed through and sat in my seat. In our culture, a woman’s respect is given great importance. And since he was aware of this by upholding his own women, I can't see any reason why someone that has abused and violated my rights would think that that was appropriate action. Not to mention that he was sitting next to his wife, who is still probably unaware of the pedophile that she lives with. I would like to clarify that I do not hold her responsible nor blame her at all because he was very deceiving. At this point I would also like to mention that the person that I was supposed to get engaged to eventually (at that point) was on that same bus which only shows me that this pedophile did not care that I was somebody's wife to be and it was not important to him to protect his cousins’ honor. Did he think he had power over me? Was he trying to be cool? Was he making a statement? I did not find that funny or appropriate at all. I’m sure his wife wouldn't either.

                        That same trip my aunt hosted a dinner for me and my family and invited all of our family over and we were so excited. There was a brief moment after eating dinner when my aunt was in the kitchen the entire time and I realized that I should go and help/thank her for all that she has done for us. It was then I turned around and behind the kitchen window in the darkness I saw this man standing there staring back at me like a hawk looking at its prey - the pedophile.  I remember looking to see if there was anybody else there but there was nobody. If there was some reason for him to be there, there was no reason for him to stare at me the entire time. I thought, ‘what a sick bastard’ and walked away feeling pity for him.

                         I am almost 100% certain that he thought that he had power over me and that I was his personal toy and that whenever he wanted I would just follow him around like I used to when I was a little girl. I don't think he remembered that someday he would have daughters and he was the type of man that every parent fears getting near their daughters. He can deny it all he wants but the truth is ALLAH will not deny it. His body will speak for him. His eyes, his hands, his fingers and his mind. For some reason he thought that I was weak and I would remain weak for the rest of my life. He never thought about the fact that what if I did not forget what happened to me and what if I was strong enough to open my mouth and say it.

                     The last time I ever let him have power over me was an incident where briefly after my marriage when I gained weight and was trying to go through my healing process that he decided that he wanted to comment on my weight more than once and the minute he did that it took me off guard and I felt disgusting and horrible. All those memories came back and I completely lost it. What's scary about the whole incident is that on the phone I was unable to tell him because I was uncomfortable. I kept saying ‘yes bhai, yes bhai, of course’ and reluctantly laughed it off. When I got off of the phone I went into stress and I started sweating. I felt insulted and humiliated and embarrassed and flustered when my husband asked what happened I explained to him and at that point it was established that I was no longer obliged to keep any relations with my molesters. And the mere fact that he thinks that he can give his opinion on my body REGARDLESS OF HIS HISTORY WITH ME shows that I have given him way too much respect than he deserves and he does not feel ashamed or sorry about molesting me.

                      For all these cases, I have gotten extensive therapy. I have had to sacrifice my dignity and try to mend broken relationships with these individuals by force and later my own intent to heal. These men have destroyed my life and my life will never be the same again. My parents trusted them, unfortunately even more than they trusted their own daughter. My mother and stepfather loved these nephews and wouldn’t stop praising them even when I saw their ugly faces for what they were. I am no one's bag of secrets and the fact that they never opened up about what they did to me should say a lot about their characters. If they deny my account, which they will, I will see them in Allah’s court. Thanks to them I finally understand what the Quran meant by :

"But when there comes the Deafening Blast - that Day a man will flee from his brother, and his mother and his father, and his wife and his children.   For each one of them that Day will have enough preoccupations of his own.  Some faces, that Day, will be bright – laughing, rejoicing at good news.  And other faces, that Day, will have upon them dust.  Blackness will cover them.  Those are the disbelievers, the wicked ones." (Quran 80: 33-42)

Me at the age of about 3-4
me at the age of 4-6 or younger.

me at the age of  roughly 7-9 
me at roughly 11-13

Monday, October 24, 2016

Four 'Sons' of my Family..

Ya Allah open the hearts of all those whose hearts I want to live in. May my truth be sufficient enough that my eyes then only shed tears of relief. Provide me the relief my heart yearns for Ya Khuda. 
Oh My Lord, therefore open my heart and ease my task for me. Remove the impediment from my speech so that they may understand what I say. Surah Ta-Ha (20:25-28)
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
 "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful".


              I just want it to be known that I am not looking to attack anyone or go after anyone. I am writing this article for my own recovery and because I feel that I owe it to myself to at least put things in their rightful order and to help anyone that may be going through recovery or may find some help from this post either way. If anything, quite honestly, I have no need to protect my molester(s) any longer than I already have. With that said, again, I am not going after anyone. If anyone is 'uncomfortable' with reading my truth and incapable of showing human decency then you are free to walk away. If any close family members or friends end up reading this and realize they know who I am referring to I am humbly asking that you do not name any names since the purpose of the article isn't the defamation of anyone's character. This article hasn't been written for the purpose of any form of abuse and I am making it clear that I condemn any abuse/ bullying done on my behalf. No names besides my husband Shawn and mine have been mentioned. I have taken some extra precaution to ensure that, except for my abusers, no one else is explicitly addressed in any offensive ways. As far as me addressing my molesters with the term... they called that upon themselves. This is strictly for my own healing. Hasbi Allah wa ni'mal Wakeel ("God is sufficient for me and the best of witnesses.")

              Though I have been working on making this blog post for over a year or so, I was reading the stories of all the women who were courageously coming out about their sexual assault after Donald Trump's tape, and so I thought I'd share mine. Generally, many of us associate happy memories when it comes to childhood. However, not all of us are so lucky. Some of us have to block out a lot if not all of our childhood from our once caring minds just so that the pain doesn't overwhelm us from performing daily tasks. For some of us, the memories that provide happiness and a general sense of reassurance become overpowered by dread, nightmares and insecurities. Some will be left to question relationships they never should have had to question. Many of us facing the aftermath of abuse and imposed guilt feel isolated/invalidated and incapable of making amends with our past and never decide to open up.

              For me personally, going back into unwelcoming memories was a strenuous process. I started and stopped this post so many times. So. Many. Times. This post was originally going to be featured on an old blog. I had to be patient with myself because some of the [repressed] memories I had only visited once or twice after those actual events took place. Even though none of them were my fault, I still dealt with repeating the same phrase ['it's not my fault'] over and over again affirming myself. My mother picked up on the melancholy of my early days and would ask me irritated, "why are you so sad? What's wrong with you!?" And so I decided to be the opposite and smile instead, leaving my emotions of sorrow in a basket to tuck away, only accessed deep in the night...and so the world came to know a facade of Neelum while my tear stained pillows knew another. Among other reasons that is why I matured emotionally way before my age.

                I have had to sit long nights and try to conjure up the courage to remember what happened to me during my childhood. I have had many sleepless nights praying that I could figure out how to heal my broken heart. I had to embrace myself at night because the answers were too overwhelming and left me with little or no reassurance in relationships I should have never had to question. Sometimes, I would cry all night long and would be left to suffer with feelings of bitterness, depression, denial and pain. At one point, I had to listen to my character, my self-respect, my dignity, my upbringing, my mannerisms, and my entire being questioned while my molesters didn't even have to be there to make their case. I was deemed guilty without my whole story even being heard out all by the people who should have ran to my rescue - my parents. I finally allowed myself to express the pain and opened up 3 years ago. The tears started flowing; his first and then mine and my fiance (now husband) realized his Rapunzel had a dark past. I remember the Quran that he held became my only witness beside the stream of tears running down my face and my *Khuda.

                I was molested when I was 3-6 years old by two individuals (let's say Mole A/Mole B,) one who was roughly my age and another who was seven years older. Then, from 3-4 and 7-8 by another individual (Mole C) who was also seven years older than me and then again at the age of 11-12 by an individual who was at least twelve years older than me if not more (Mole D.) In total there were four individual molesters. I will point out that each of these time frames consisted of more than one occasion where I was abused and some of them would take place for a week straight.  I will not be going into any graphic detail since I am uncomfortable with it. I was molested by 4 'sons' of my family. FOUR.

At this point I would like to add that all my molesters were back home in Pakistan at the times I was molested. And the last incident was when I was 11 to 12 years of age, during a vacation when we went back home after my mother recovered from cancer.

               Here are some (not all) things that I found astonishing, horrifying and very very degrading:

 All my molesters had sisters. I would sleep next to one of the sisters when her brother would molest me after lights out. He was the eldest of my molesters, at least 12 years older than me.
All my molesters had mothers and fathers.
All my molesters loved their mothers and sisters and protected them. I can't explain how many countless nights I have spent wondering what was so different about me????
All my molesters knew my age and understood that my father had passed away. They understood that I was too young and it was inappropriate.
All my molesters took advantage of my innocence and then fooled my mother into thinking that they cared for me.
All my molesters I called brothers.
All my molesters I treated like older brothers. I was the baby in the family. The youngest.
All my molesters I have seen flip when another man looked at THEIR sisters and mothers .
All my molesters were close family members (cousins) who still walk free with their respect intact because I was too shy, scared, considerate, and just horrified at the consequences of my speaking up.
All my molesters felt that it was OK to abuse me more than once.
All my molesters have yet to apologize to me.
                 I used to feel ashamed, dirty, used, and impure for so many years. Until I realized that I wasn't even to blame. Eventually, I realized that the worst part of this abuse was that I started hating myself and I still protected my molesters' reputations. I felt mixed emotions. I felt betrayed. I felt abandoned. By my parents. By my *Khuda. I stopped praying *namaaz, reading Quran and stopped trying to connect to Allah because I felt like I didn't deserve His love. How truly wrong I was and my Khuda showed me repeatedly by pulling me out of that hell and placing the right support in my future.
                 Up until recently I felt like I had to stay in contact with them, not because they deserve it but because loyalty is very important to me. As sick as this sounds I had convinced myself at one point that they really cared for me and that this is how people show love. It is very uneasy for me to admit but I had a crush on one of my molesters and he took advantage of that (research shows that this is quite common sadly.) Hence I was OK with taking up their guilt for them so that they wouldn't have to. That was until I realized how child abuse works and finally became aware of what had happened to me. I realized they fucked up and I am not obliged to stay in contact with my molesters. I am no one's bag of secrets. It's hard to capture in an essay the psychological damage they did. I called them all bhai. The damage they did left me questioning everything about myself. The damage they did left me begging for protection. I prayed so many nights for Allah to send me protection so no one can take advantage of me again. Hence Shawn, the answer to all my prayers.
                 Thanks to Allah (SWT) I am in a place with a loving partner who is there every step of the way and has supported me through thick and thin. A man of humility and wisdom, Shawn has taught me how to love my body and my soul again. He brought me close to my *Rabb again and made me realize that His love for me has and will never change. He walked me through my most difficult times and I have Allah to thank for sending him my way. I will be talking more about his love for his lord and humility for others (as well as my recovery in his care) in another article since there is too much to cover and I want to do justice to it.
                Getting married provided that last and permanent push which I needed to move out of my parents' home which I had attempted three times previously by running away; this after attempting to take my own life twice. With my new life and relationships forming, I felt safer and started to re-examine the reason(s) for my turbulent adolescent years before and finally my painful past which I had buried away. To my surprise a lot of repressed memories began to surface; memories of denial, guilt, shame, greed and so much more. I went through a surge of emotions through this period. During this time I discovered that I had been compromising my health and had unhealthy levels of stress which were causing ridiculous amounts of panic attacks along with many other irregularities with my health. As I continued to reflect on those years, I saw my upbringing for what it really was; constant *gaslighting, denial, neglect, unrealistic and unattainable idealisms and expectations. There was very little encouragement and critical life decisions pertaining solely to my own life were forced upon me without my consent despite my protests. As a result, I gained weight, became depressed and felt isolation/invalidation. I didn't wish to meet people and couldn't express my emotions eloquently if at all. My sleep cycle got interrupted and my emotional radar was also out of whack. ***I understand that I am mentioning a lot of heavy stuff and so I will get more into life at my parents' home in another article as a part of this project.***

                 Being molested, abused and violated put a drastically large part of my life on pause. One which I was too ashamed to think about and too flustered to bring up even with my parents. My molester not only deprived me of relationships but also gave me unnecessary and unhealthy stress and made me feel like a stranger among friends, I couldn't relate with anyone. Friends who were noticing these changes and getting worried for me. I was in the dilemma of being persistently lost in my own thoughts yet smiling. I doubted myself, I had a very horrible self image (which due to other issues got worse with time), very little confidence and worst of them all, I hated myself because I couldn't understand why it happened to me. Not to mention, I had MAJOR trust issues because my abusers were close family. Due to their actions I was deprived of a normal childhood. As a young woman, I cried countless nights with scattered memories of my childhood that were too painful to pick up.

                  Even though I'm slowly working my way through forgiving them there are still days where even the mention of their names will throw me off. If somebody says something nice about them I will have to smile forcibly and continue the conversation. With time I realized that it is unhealthy for me to pretend like I am OK with it and any decent human being would understand if I didn't want them mentioned at all. I do believe that I am a good person I haven't given myself very many reasons to not like myself and so I try my best to forgive them and move on for the good in me. For myself I will heal.

                   For a large chunk of my life, I lived in fear and I will not let it continue. I feared not living up to my parents expectations which I now realize were unrealistic. With time however, I am realizing that a certain distance is best kept and that after the damage that they did I can't afford to try to maintain a healthy relationship with my molesters. They were the ones who ruined the image of a healthy relationship for me. I feared losing my uncles and aunts and other cousins over this because I thought I wasn't myself a worthy enough reason for them to stay. My fear of disappointing family and relatives led me to be disappointed by far too many.

                  Loyalty is very important to me and sadly it is the one trait in me that got tested the most throughout my life repeatedly. And I'm proud to say that I have chosen to keep it. For the first time in my life I'm focusing on myself and myself only. Finally, I'm showing myself the loyalty that I always wanted from others. The one I was hoping to find in another relationships. To my surprise every relationship that was in-charge of teaching me the meaning of loyalty either died or missed the train by a mile or just refused to own up.

                  Being molested, abused and violated by my cousins also ruined the concept of calling cousins "brothers and sisters." I am an only child and my need for siblings was always strong. I feel that my need to have siblings was preyed upon and its lasting effects were detrimental. My older cousins who were responsible for my protection and who I frequently called my brothers completely ruined the concept of siblings for me and showed me that I was better alone. These men just acted like my brothers but they might as well have never called me sister because they treated me like a toy and never considered to think that I was one of their own. As a little girl with no siblings and no father primarily in her life, I treated these men like my own brothers. Considering them my protection. I idolized them. The day I found out what molestation was I came home and jumped into the shower and scrub myself for an hour and cried. I felt the most impure and used.  Due to the conditions at home I couldn't really mention anything until much later, which unfortunately for me didn't really make a difference.

                  Child molestation is a crime and needs to be stopped. Child molestation is a crime against humanity. It frightens me that one of them actually has children of their own now. And I genuinely hope that they fear God and changed. They ruined one child's life and I pray to God that I was there only victim. I can't even begin to thank God I am no longer in those conditions anymore. When I first moved out after my marriage to Shawn, I had to take a few years off of school and work just so I can continue to heal properly. My desire for vanity vanished and I became consumed with guilt and feelings of embarrassment and didn't know how to face my husband. It wasn't that he didn't know everything, but the mere fact that I thought I wasn't pure. There was a moment when one of my molesters actually told me that I was too fat and needed to lose weight and I was so weak that I couldn't even stop them. I just laughed it off. Later when Shawn realized what had happened, he made me realize that none of this was my fault and the fact that I even thought something like that was so ridiculous. Understandable, but ridiculous. Thanks to Shawn and a lot of soul searching, I was able to do a lot of healing and still continue to strive for a more balanced life daily. After speaking with many close friends and well-wishers, I realized that this was a topic that I shouldn't be ashamed to bring up considering how common it is. Unfortunately I also found that it was more common than I thought.

                   In the upcoming articles, I will be going more into depth about my molestation and life at home. My next posts will break down each case and how they stole my chance at an innocent childhood because once a child is molested NOTHING is ever the same again. In my posts, pay particular attention to how the family treated the incident and unknowingly rewarded the molester with rights to further continue the abuse. I sincerely hope from my case parents can learn something and prevent more cases from forming at all.

Khuda/Allah (SWT) subhanahu wa ta'ala: God/God (the Exalted & Sublime)
Namaaz: The muslim ritual prayer
Bhai: Brother
Gaslighting: is a form of psychological abuse in which a victim is manipulated into doubting their own memory, perception, and sanity. (Oxford Dictionary)

Sunday, March 20, 2016

To New Beginnings...

Salaam and hello to all my readers! For those who are family and friends and/or wanderers who just stumbled upon my blog, I welcome you. Enjoy? I hope you find what you are looking for on this site. I'm quite new to the whole blogging thing but no one's really an expert on painting a dancing elephant while wearing blindfolds either... so I'd like to think that I am not entirely too off point. Haha.  
FYI, Blogging doesn't really come naturally to me so it might get a bit awkward at times. From time to time, I have really interesting (at least I think so) thoughts, ideas and theories and I kinda want to share them with anyone who is willing to read them. Yup. (Not desperate at all ;)) 

Also to clarify, by no means do I want to force my thoughts on to people and I am learning rather quickly that only shallow minds think that forcing anything onto anyone is morally sound. I have been through my fair share of experiences where my rights as a human were taken away and I, through the help of a few strong individuals, was able to let go of that negative energy. The reason that I bring this up as a disclaimer is because we are all mature human beings and not everyone has to agree with me. Not that I am really looking for any approvals to begin with. However, I do ask that if you don't agree with me on future posts please kindly let me know in the comments below and please steer clear of all negativity on this site. 

As a little girl and as a young woman I have met some very influential characters in my life. These individuals have taught me how to cope with anxiety and how to re-evaluate my priorities. Others have wiped away tears while providing a spiritual shelter for my rather weak soul at the time. I would like to share with you what those people have taught me; how I have been saved and bettered by their love and moral support. It is really astonishing to see what happens when you have people who are willing to guide you when you are a total mess. 

I am here to share my experiences with you all, some positive and some not so positive. I have seen miracles unexpectedly occurring in front of my eyes. Dua's (prayers) being accepted 7 years later bringing the love of my life into my life (finally lol! I tied that knot quick ;)). I have seen the power of love and respect. I have been fortunate to see the healing capabilities of a mothers love.  I have seen the what true friendship is capable of **shout out to the friends that have been there no matter what.** However not everything that teaches you a lesson in life is a 'walk in the park' or most euphoric experience. With that said, sadly, I have also seen the darkness that floods one's mind when they can't find one good reason to live. Not one good reason. (Yeah, that was a very sad time.)  The faces of loved ones flashing left and right when you're still not sure how to handle yourself. Sadly, at that time, no matter who's face you see it doesn't seem to have an effect on your desperation. I have lived through a time when I didn't know who I was. Unfortunately for me, I was either not allowed to ask questions or when I asked them they were ignored.

WOW, that was very exciting LOL. On a much lighter note, thank you all so much for your time and I am really looking forward to writing more about what a journey my 23 years alive as Neelum has been. Of course, that won't be the only thing that I will be posting on my blog.

PS: I have always been known for my personality and my energy(hopefully in good light lol) but now the true test of faith is stripping my soul of all ignorance and seeing how true to my self can I stay. I am learning how to love my self again. It's definitely a process that takes time and energy.